Annie used to watch “Friends” everyday at 8:00 PM in her youth. That used to cause problems in her life. For example, one day her family had dinner early: she didn’t go to eat that day, it was Ross’ second wedding!
The day her little brother, Lucas, was born, was a complete disaster: she was nine, Monica and Chandler where getting married, and she would not miss it for anything in the world. She cried, yelled, and even broke some valuable plates (luckily, it was a gift from an aunt, and it had a really tacky design, so her parents didn’t get very angry). At the end, she saw it in the hospital T.V. . She sighed because she couldn’t see the last seconds: they had to go home. I remember seeing her tears. I’m sure they were of happiness, but I’m not sure if they were because of Lucas, or because of Chandler, that was getting married.
With the invention and use of the Internet, and of the series’ illegal downloads, Annie got very happy: she lived in Argentina, but she could see the chapters the same day they were shown in the USA! Everyday she dashed into her computer to check if there was a new chapter. If this happened, you could see a grin in her face for at least ten minutes!
In my opinion, she might have studied Computing because of this: when she discovered that she could see “Friends” online, it was really difficult to see her away her computer. Sadly, although she took care of her computer, I can’t say the same thing about her bedroom: it was always shabby, filthy: she wasn’t very organised!
Anyway, she finally grew up and stopped watching “Friends”. (And started watching “Casíangeles”!)
One day, she was walking down the street with her friends, giggling because of something of no importance at all, when she saw a poster. It said: “Friends: The Movie. Soon in Cinemax”
The sitcom had ended years ago, on her 12-year-old birthday. She was sixteen when she saw the poster, but she promised herself she would watch it, and she did.
When she walked out of the cinema, she was really struck: it had been SO boring! She couldn’t believe this was her favourite sitcom when she was little.
One of her friends that had been to the movies with her thought about how people change when they grow up.”
A sequel was announced, with the same characters, but Annie never saw it. That day was the last time she ever saw them.
Great job!! Just correct: "; like..." "!" "... on the hospital TV..." " giggling about something of no importance at all ..." "... ,that had been to the movies with her, thought about how people change..."