Five years ago, when I (Martin) was in London, I was walking along the street, I suddenly heared a noise, I knew there was something wrong...But I couldn't see a thing.
When I went to see what was happening an old friend appeared from nowhere. He told me that we should run far from where we were¨, because there had been a murder there. He offered me to go to his house.When we got there we started to talk about what had happened. We talked about an hour. We drank a lot, and that's why my friend, Lucas told me that he was the murderer.I told him that we should go to the police, but when I said that, he punched me in my face and I got uncouncient.
When I woke up I was at the hospital, with a huge bandage all over my head. I was really angry, almost desperetly I run to the police and told them what had happened and what had Lucas done.
As fast as they could they went to catch him...but it was too late, by the time we got to Luca's house he had already escaped and he left a note: "If you don't give me $10000 before tomorrow I'll kill Martin." When I saw my name I freaked out. The policemen told me that I shoudn't worry, because they'd take care of me.
Although those speechs, before I went to sleep, I veryfied that all the windows and doors of my house were well closed.
It was 5 o'clock in the morning when I heard some shooting on my door, it was Lucas and he was with a girl. They entered to my house and appeared on my bedroom with a gun, but I was prepared for this situation, so I took my own gun from my pillow and started shooting without looking my target. They run and escaped ...that was the last time he ever saw them
As fast as they could they went to catch him...but it was too late, by the time we got to Luca's house he had already escaped and he left a note: "If you don't give me $10000 before tomorrow I'll kill Martin." When I saw my name I freaked out. The policemen told me that I shoudn't worry, because they'd take care of me.
Although those speechs, before I went to sleep, I veryfied that all the windows and doors of my house were well closed.
It was 5 o'clock in the morning when I heard some shooting on my door, it was Lucas and he was with a girl. They entered to my house and appeared on my bedroom with a gun, but I was prepared for this situation, so I took my own gun from my pillow and started shooting without looking my target. They run and escaped ...that was the last time he ever saw them
Great job! Jusr correct: "...London and was..." "... for about an desperately I ran... what Lucas had done." "...they could, they.. too late; by the time...and left a note:"...tomorrow, I'll kill ..." "...name, I...""Although I wasn't afraid..." "..at my door..." "...appeared in my bedroom..." ...looking at my..." "...ran...I ever saw..."